Boosting Immune System

It is hard to believe a year has passed since Covid-19 swept the world and quarantine was enforced in the US. It is still so far from what normal used to be and the future is still unclear. So many of us wonder when and if we are able to get back to large gatherings like races, events and celebrations.

One positive that has been found is more and more people are looking for ways to become healthier, in an effort to strengthen immunity. This will help combat the covid virus and others so that we have a better chance to fight it off and hopefully recover without severe symptoms or long haul effects. Many people are out for walks, bike rides and are exploring cooking healthier meals at home because of this pause in our lives.

Last year, I started to learn more and more about gut health and how it affects not only the digestive system but also our overall health including our immunity. Earlier this year, my favorite podcaster, Rich Roll, shared in an episode clips of his 5 past guests who are experts in microbiome. This episode helped me to understand deeper what microbiome is and appreciate how it strengthens our immunity and improves overall health. Click the links below and listen in. I hope you will also feel more encouraged to improve your immunity.

The changes we can make to achieve better health and immunity is so accessible and simple. Trillions of bacterias that live in our gut feed off of fiber, but when fiber is deficient like most of us, it starts to feed off of our gut lining trying to survive. This causes a condition called leaky gut that leads to chronic inflammation which is the cause of many of modern lifestyle diseases. But, if we eat more fruits and vegetables, those bacteria thrive and produce short-chain fatty acid which does a long list of good things like strengthen our immunity, sending a good message to our brain reducing anxiety just to name a few. I hope many of my friends listen to this podcast and improve our health not just to combat Covid19 but also long-term overall health.

Share with me in the comments what covid has done for your health. It can be a good thing or not so good but let’s identify together and move forward into our new normal.




1 thought on “Boosting Immune System”

  1. Laura Lockwood

    Thanks for sharing. With the danger of covid lurking around every corner its so important to protect our health and bolster our immune system. I love learning about how the gut microbiome effects our physical and mental health. Focusing on a plant based diet that is super high in fiber as well as nutrients has become my strategy for optimum health. I hope I don’t contract Covid-19 but if I do my body is prepared to fight!

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